Make it Count #39

My Doppelganger gave me this quote on Monday: “I shall pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”

If someone would have asked me where I expected to be on my 39th birthday, I honestly couldn’t have guessed I would be sitting right where I am at this moment. As I look back on the last couple of years, I realize the value of why things happen and what lessons are revealed. We don’t normally see the good in the difficult climbs we have to make in this life until time heals the aspects of our self that felt condemned. I can’t say that any of the last couple of years has been easy, but what I can say is that I have grown from the life experiences in a powerful way.

I committed at the end of December that I was going to make 2014 MY YEAR. As I past the 1st quarter, I am so in AWW of what I have accomplished personally, professionally, and physically. I am on my comeback and it feels so fantastic.

To all my incredible family and friends who support me daily: I love you so much for encouraging me to get up and keep going… I thank you for reminding me that I need to MAKE IT COUNT because that is really who I am and always have been. I thank you for reminding me what my value is on this Earth. I thank you for the smiles, the random texts, the reading of this BLOG, and the inspiring comments. I thank you for the blunt accountability. I thank you for reminding me to stop and smell the roses. More importantly, I THANK YOU FOR BEING IN MY LIFE AT WHATEVER CAPACITY YOU HAVE BEEN ABLE. Forever in my heart!

Make it Count by loving yourself and those who love you on your birthday!

Ashley Stevenson